Inside Africa

On this island, the birds are in charge

Brooke Bowman and Daisy Carrington, for CNNUpdated 9th July 2015
(CNN) — For birds, this island is a sanctuary. For humans, it's a trek.
Nestled at the tip of the Seychelles archipelago, the aptly-named Bird Island has just one flight in or out a day. There is only a single lodge made up of 24 chalets. Even in the dead of summer, there's no air-conditioning, no phones and no TV.
"A client who accepts there is no air-con is a client who accepts nature," explains Alex Savy, whose father, Guy, turned the former Coconut plantation into one of the world's first eco-resorts 40 years ago. Alex now co-manages the property.
For guests, the fact they're left up to their own devices is an asset. Bird-lovers can get close to the over 1 million feathered friends that touch down each year.
"Sometimes, you'll find more birds around your chalet than if you go in the garden. They're everywhere, and it's because generations of them have found out by now that nobody is going to hurt them here," says Savy.
Conservation officer Robbie Bresson has been charting the behavior, breeding and feeding patterns of the island's birds for over a decade, and he has seen several species flourish under his care. One prime example is the white-tailed tropicbird.
"When I first came, there was only one pair. Now there are 89 pairs. To go from a pair to 89 in 11 years is... this is extraordinary stuff," he says.
"Now, the birds will live longer than me!"
Want the video below to get up-close-and personal with the residents of Bird Island.
Privately owned, 'Bird Island,' is helping to protect it's most precious species.